Ok, so this is my first blog. After this, I shall be a blog virgin, no more. I debated with myself on what to include on my first blog. Is it my absolute hatred for all things right-wing? Including these gutless, aristocratic and spoilt rich brats in this thing called ‘coalition’ government. Oh, I emphasised ‘coalition’ to just illustrate my point that a certain ‘left-wing’ group shamelessly allowed themselves to get screwed over by some capitalist bastards. Well, I never gave much credit to this ‘liberal’ and ‘democratic’ party anyway. But now, I can’t even have an ounce of respect for those pathetic supportive members of this ‘liberal’, ‘democratic’ and apparently ‘left-wing’ party who consistently defend their leadership. At least have some dignity and admit your leadership screwed up. And that all it wanted was power, and nothing less.
Ok, I went on rant there, sorry. So, where was I? Ah, yes I could have written about the coalition government. But no, I thought there was more to me than that. Then I thought I could write about the Green Party and the exciting Deputy Leadership elections going on. I’m proudly voting to re-elect Adrian Ramsay by the way. I seem to have a bit of a political crush on that guy. He’s quite intelligent and he’s a politician. Many in the Green Party don’t like to consider themselves as politicians. Though they understand the need to influence the political system by taking up political seats and responsibilities, they fail to sort of – like politics. I like it, in fact, I love it. I love debates, discussing serious issues and especially passing and influencing policy. I love coming up with ideas and schemes to make things better, solve problems and find solutions. I think it’s fun. Oh, and I also love elections. I guess am quite competitive. But, I hate dirty politics. I never do dirty politics. I guess that’s one of the reasons why I joined the Green Party. Those who are members of the Green Party tend to be honest people reaching out to other honest members of their community.
But then, the Green Party is not what defines me. I could have written about my time in student politics. Those were amazing and hectic times. Very character shaping, enjoyable and…sexy, I guess. I have often joked to some of my non-political friends that ‘Politics is better than sex!’ Outrageous, I know. But, I promise that it says nothing about my sex life and more about my passion for politics.
I could have written about my time working and volunteering for my favourite charity: People & Planet, but no. Oh and by the way…I am running the Royal Parks Half-marathon to FUN-raise for this brilliant organisation! I have 6 weeks to go and have done no training!
I could have written about my love for cooking - cooking is fun. I get very excited by pots, pans and cooking devices. My ultimate dream house is: to have a huge kitchen for regular dinner parties! Anything that involves cooking is brilliant! Cooking is fun. I’m not good at it, but it’s good fun.
So, no. Not writing about the idiots in coalition, not about the Green Party and no, not cooking. Well, I thought I’d just jot a bit about blogging itself.
Since I will be a virgin no more in the virtual world of bloggers, I might as well dedicate some utterances about it. I have occasionally blogged before but I was never too keen on it (by stating that I was a blog virgin I meant I never had my own blogging web page). Sometimes, it seemed like homework or like a chore. The truth is that I enjoy writing for fun (though it’s something I haven’t done in a long time) and I like to engage with the world, so I thought, why not? I have also enjoyed reading blogs for a long time. Some can be hilarious, but mostly they are very much used to provide points of view and well blogging is just another communication channel. I have strong opinions, so I thought I’d also blog about that. I may also blog a poem up one day. I enjoy poetry. It’s fun. I discovered performance poetry early on in my university years. I have never done performance poetry, I’d like to someday. If I can muster some courage that is!
So here we go - debates, politics, coalition of rich twats, cooking, Green Party, student politics, my love for writing… well, world of bloggers - here I am!